The Funny Paper was published exclusively for kid-show and family entertainers from 2000-2013. Back issues are still available and packed with practical articles on magic, clowning, puppetry, balloons, face painting and other variety arts. In addition to great routines, sound advice, and creative ideas on performing, you'll find excellent articles on the business side of being a kid-show and family entertainer.
Columnists and writers for The Funny Paper comprise a Who's Who of children's entertainers! Bev Bergeron (Rebo of "The Magic Land of Allakazam"), David Ginn, Bruce "Charlie" Johnson, Gina "Cha Cha" Wollrabe, Angel Ocasio, Margaret Clauder, Terry Parrett, Carol Collins, Mark Wade, Dan Wolfe, Samuel Patrick Smith, Trevor Lewis, Scott Humston, Harry Allen, Roger Way, Cynthia Keeler, and more!
You'll find many articles to help you grow your kidshow entertainment business, and much more!