SPS Magic

School Show Presentation

David Ginn

"With 100 chapters of in-depth school show information, plus two 90-minute audio tapes of live performances,this book and tape set would have easily been worth $500 to $1000 when I first started doing school shows!"
-Samuel Patrick Smith

This guide comes to you from someone who has performed 10,000 school shows! David Ginn sets down his secrets of school show success, from his comedy kid show routines to his practical advice on planning your own assembly show.

"I was greatly inspired by Volume 2, but all of it is good, solid information. To me, David's practical thoughts on working the shows is where the true value of the product lies, but you also get to read the patter and explanations for many routines, then turn on your tape player to hear David presenting the routines for live audiences."
-Samuel Patrick Smith

This is the final edition of School Show Presentation and David has no plans to reprint.




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